Filters Show all Articles Clinical trials Deliverables Papers Posters & Abstracts Pre-prints Posters & Abstracts November 5, 2024Oxygen Gradient Ektacytometry Is Associated with Markers of Hemolysis and Inflammation in a Large Sickle Cell Disease Cohort within the GenoMed4ALL Project Posters & Abstracts November 5, 2024Enhancing Personalized Prognostic Assessment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes through a Multimodal and Explainable Deep Data Fusion Approach (MAGAERA) Posters & Abstracts November 5, 2024Generation of Multimodal Longitudinal Synthetic Data By Artificial Intelligence to Improve Personalized Medicine in Hematology Posters & Abstracts November 5, 2024A Comprehensive, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin Platform Based on Multimodal Real-World Data Integration for Personalized Medicine in Hematology Posters & Abstracts November 5, 2024An Artificial Intelligence-Based Federated Learning Platform to Boost Precision Medicine in Rare Hematological Diseases: An Initiative By GenoMed4all and Synthema Consortia Posters & Abstracts November 5, 2024Artificial Intelligence-Powered Digital Pathology to Improve Diagnosis and Personalized Prognostic Assessment in Patient with Myeloid Neoplasms