DateOCTOBER 17, 2023CategoryEVENTS

The eSAAM 2023 conference -the 3rd Eclipse Security, AI, Architecture and Modelling Conference on Cloud to Edge Continuum- took place last week on Ludwigsburg, Germany, and GenoMed4All had to be there.

Our colleague Borja Arroyo, from UPM took the stage to present our work on the GenoMed4All platform and infrastructure, in a presentation titled “Federated Learning Simulation Engine”, a joint effort with partner CINECA.

Check out the conference proceedings below to learn more about their breakthroughs in this area!

Federated learning (FL) is one of the most promising approaches to ensure privacy in the application of data-driven techniques to sensitive information. However, the implementation of such approaches in a production environment is still an important challenge. In this paper, we present a scalable, portable, hardware-independent, model-agnostic FL Simulation Engine (FLSE) with the aim of easing the job of researchers who want to train FL models to be deployed in production environments. The FLSE offers a tool that can be used both standalone or embedded within a larger architecture, it can be deployed seamlessly and allows concurrent, scalable, and highly available V&V assessment support for FL models. The tool allows researchers to understand the behaviour, in terms of metric performance, of their proposed models in production scenarios, allowing a boost in trustworthiness towards ethical AI.