September 27, 2023
GenoMed4All training – W1 Session 2: Use cases challenges (MDS, SCD and MM)
The second installment of GenoMed4All & ERN-EuroBloodNet Educational program on Artificial Intelligence in hematology
September 13, 2023
GenoMed4All training – W1 Session 1: GenoMed4All and ERN-EuroBloodNet for precision medicine in hematology
The first installment of GenoMed4All & ERN-EuroBloodNet Educational program on Artificial Intelligence in hematology for the public at large
June 8, 2023
GenoMed4All featured in ERN-EuroBloodNet’s Research Meeting at EHA 2023
During the second hybrid edition of the annual EHA congress, our friends at ERN-EuroBloodNet organized a dedicated meeting to showcase the role of the ERN and the ENROL registry on advancing translational and clinical research in hematology.
March 30, 2023
Radiomics in SCD – GenoMed4All at the International Neurovascular Training Course on SCD
GenoMed4All has been featured along with sister project SYNTHEMA at the International Neurovascular Training Course on Sickle Cell Disease
February 24, 2023
GenoMed4All at ETSISI UPM
Last week, our colleague Silvia Uribe from UPM officially presented GenoMed4All at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos (ETSISI), within UPM’s computer science and software engineering degree.
December 10, 2022
GenoMed4All at ASH 2022
Last December some members from GenoMed4All’s clinical team travelled all the way to New Orleans for the 64th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology.