On 13 September 2023, the GenoMed4All consortium gathered virtually to share the most recent updates about our progress and discuss the plans that lie ahead for the coming months.
Project Coordinator Federico Alvarez, from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), led the session where each Work Package leader presented their latest achievements and future actions. The key topics discussed included:
- Building an ethical, legal and trustworthy AI-based data protection framework, led by The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i-HD)
- Validating protocols to develop AI algorithms for personalized medicine in the context of hematological diseases, as being explored by the team at Università di Bologna
- Determining the specificities and validation of the 3 use cases (Myelodysplastic syndromes, Multiple Myeloma and Sickle Cell Disease), as well as data harmonization and testing plans carried by Humanitas Research Hospital
- Linking data repositories for the design of a Federated Learning framework and platform to develop, train and fine-tune AI algorithms and models with real-world patient data, led by the Telecommunications Engineering team at UPM
- Data engineering, anonymisation algorithms, curation and privacy preservation tools and pipelines for each of our use cases, as being defined by Dedalus
- Advancing genomics standardization, open science data and training, supervised by Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
All partners are looking forward to meeting in Barcelona on 17-18 January 2024 for the next General Assembly, and continue working together to build the next generation of healthcare.